Friday Wisdom


Come on, drop Guilty Crown with me. You know you want to. I did it about 19 times already, so why not just once more? I am sure you feel the same.

P.S. Sawano Hiroyuki why do you do this? First you made Blue Exorcist’s last episode seem like the most epic thing that will ever happen in anime even though it really wasn’t special. Now, despite the fact that I hate Inori and find Shu irritating, with your music playing in that last episode of Guilty Crown I actually cared. Stop doing that!

Friday of Graces



Don’t look too closely at the hands in this picture. They’re kind of creepy. Especially Miyuki’s since it appears her right index and middle finger could be used to slice up vegetables. I have yet again updated my “WHAT IS THIS” page, this time because Princess Tutu is amazing and silly me never considered the thought that people might want to contact me more privately than in my comments. So there’s an email there now.

I’ve also been entered into the 2012 Aniblog Tourney which I know very little about but from reading around it looks like a cool idea to get exposure for tiny unknown blogs. I am somewhat excited to be sending this cow up for the slaughter. Because I am morbid like that and I know everyone will be watching. Yes.

One last thing. As Tales of Graces f came out in North America on Tuesday, I feel it necessary to dedicate two sentences to it, including this one. You gamer types better be playing it! That is all.



This is days late because being an admin on a site where any sort of security or efficiency of code was an afterthought is suffering. And then I just forgot. Anyway.

There are a lot of anime about vampires out there. But of the ones I’ve sampled, I feel like very few of them are serious about them. I can only think of four anime that featured vampires prominently off the top of my head (so this clearly makes me an expert on the subject) and Shiki is the only one that was super srs about vampires. That’s spaced repitition system, for those uneducated on abbreviations. Anyway, Shiki was the only thing I watched during the 2010 Summer season. I fell in love with it through the first few episodes, but bad things always happen to shows when it’s not the beginning again. Does Shiki survive these bad things? Read more to find out! Next super special edition issue goes on sale in December. Continue reading

To a Friday of Dancing Snow


Why, yes, Hibiki, there IS something wrong with your face!

I think this year could be really good for me. I mean I’m already watching quite a bit this season, and then for next season… There’s Saint Seiya Omega which I will watch because I play sequels to video games before playing the first way more often than I should (and I have seen some Saint Seiya anyway) and I need more Umakoshi in my life. Everyone needs more Umakoshi in their life.

There’s also the rest of Fate/Zero. There’s the Noitamina shows, which I’ve already been excited for in a post so I’ll keep it to a minimum here. There’s Medaka Box, which was apparently written by Nisio Isin who I probably like but I’m not really expecting much from it. And a bunch of things that I’ll try just because I heard they might be really good, like Uchuu Kyoudai. I also might care about that second season of Kore wa Zombie desu ka because I saw the first episode recently and am in awe that nobody ever told me there was an anime where they fight ridiculous sea creatures.

Different Friday


I’ve seen this type of art distortion for the sake of speed/effect/quality of animation before. And it was used effectively in every single show I’ve seen it in, which actually does include this one at very rare moments. But the trick to making your viewers think “this is extremely awesome” instead of laughing at you is… to not leave it on the screen for full seconds like this show did here. It’s like pausing at the “scary” bits of The Ring, or any time Jack Nicholson’s face is on screen in the last part of The Shining. Unintentional humor everywhere. Although I admit I am very easily amused…

Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra


This review took me an awful long time to write considering I’ve been planning on writing it since… well, since the first review I wrote for this blag. I’m pretty sure that was a few years back. Instead I wasted time making fun of the QUALITY and some parts of the fanbase and some other stuff and that’s… that’s just not a review. So here is the review, which I present as an apology for all those silly posts tagged with “tatakau shisho.” … even if I do have zero regrets about making those posts.

Continue reading

Friday of Decay


It took me a while to decide if this was even worth posting since it’s not funny or even interesting. But I can’t get over the fact that they felt the need to have three extremely redundant paragraphs about chlorine. And then just out of nowhere, vocal fold nodules! Hey! I learned about those in my communication sciences/disorders classes! But… what do they have to do with chlorine, chlorine again, and flowery chlorine? Come to think of it, what was this paper even supposed to be about? Oh, that’s right. Some fictional disease from Tatakau Shisho called Cerulean Death, the symptoms of which cannot be linked in any way to anything on this paper. Oops?

I also updated the anime I have listed on my fabulous “WHAT IS THIS” page. And feel the need to mention how excited I am for Tsuritama (Kenji Nakamura and his duck fishing for aliens… or something like that) and Sakamichi no Apollon (no clue what it’s about but it’s Shinichiro Watanabe and Yoko Kanno so who cares). Yes. Super excited. What’s that? They’re both airing on Noitamina in the Spring? And here I was lamenting the end of Thermae Romae which is the only thing on Noitamina this season that I can watch without giving myself cancer.

“You can’t help what you love.”




You sure can’t. Pic only vaguely related. A warning before I go into any sort of detail: this post is going to be long and filled with ramblings and it’s probably poorly organized. I’ve been staring at it too long now to try to fix it. Things other than anime are going to come up. But anime is still at the heart of this in the end since at its core this post is about liking things and loving things (and the nature of my love for my favourite anime series). Continue reading

Cold Wind Friday!


Yep, very accurate title for these past few days… Anyway. I’d be worried about how thin poor Cure Peach’s neck has become, but I think it’s a bit more of a pressing issue that Cure Berry has become a half-giraffe. Especially in a show where someone actually did turn into a giraffe in one episode. The Precure sure have their work cut out for them…